Price Plan

Live distribution fee items

The live fee has items of "Server operating time", "Distribution transfer amount", and "Option".

Initial cost ¥0

Server uptime

Plan Monthly fee 1 hour exceeded
10 hour plan ¥120,000 ¥12,000
50 hour plan ¥350,000 ¥7,000
100 hour plan ¥580,000 ¥5,800

Delivery transfer volume(CDN)

Transfer amount Price (1GB unit price) Remarks
〜1TB ¥17
〜5TB Less than ¥16
〜10TB Less than ¥15
〜15TB Less than ¥14
15TB more ¥13


Item Price Remarks
Delivery operation personnel / 1 day ¥50,000〜 It becomes the operation staff such as CMS.
It depends on the work day and work content.
Web/1page ¥100,000〜 Fees vary depending on design factors.
App production ¥400,000〜
Web operation (monthly) ¥20,000〜 Charges vary depending on the number of accesses and domain acquisition.

Archive delivery fee field

The archive fee includes items of "Initial fee", "Monthly fee", "Transmission amount", and "Option".

Initial cost ¥100,000
Monthly fee ¥70,000 Monthly fee includes 500GB of storage and 1TB of delivery transfer.

Additional delivery transfer volume(CDN)

delivery transfer Price (1GB unit price) Remarks
〜1TB ¥17
〜5TB Less than ¥16
〜10TB Less than ¥15
〜15TB Less than ¥14
15TB more ¥13


Item Price Remarks
Video editing ¥50,000〜 Measures such as aligning video scales for multi-angle use.

Request a quote

To request a quote for fvLIVE, please contact:

+81 45 909 1137

Reception time:9:00〜17:00(JST)

4-54-6 Meigaoka, Aoba-ku, Yokohama